The goldsmith's art is an artistic profession carried on by a jeweler. The jeweler is as metalworker specializing in the design and manufacture of jewelery and metals (user-) objects usually noble metals like gold, silver, platinum and palladium nowadays more and even metals such as stainless steel and titanium.

 The term noble in precious metals can be seen as referring to the used materials: stainless, due to the fact that the material does not corrode and / or reference to not only professionally involved with the (gold-and silver-) forging, but there also the dimension of the design, but say the art to jewelry to add.

 Often the process designer as other minerals (precious) stones such as diamonds, corundum, tourmaline and opal, but also email (enamel) in his unique creations. Already there is actually no longer taboo on the consumption of some other materials whatsoever.

 The jeweler makes jewelry by metal processing with specialized tools, or when necessary to heat this metal to deform. Some jewelry is made ​​molds into which molten metal is cast.

 Creating and editing of this jewelry is labor intensive, the materials are of high quality and durability, his creations are often unique. Also, the jeweler is often the creator or designer of the ornament. For these reasons, a goldsmith relatively high prices for his work. The jeweler makes jewelry by metal processing with specialized tools, or when necessary to heat this metal to deform. For some jewelery and silver utensils, molds are made ​​in which heated liquid metal to be cast.

 Cheap versions of jewelery is a competitor for the jeweler. The lower prices obtained by mass and by using materials of lesser quality.